Sunday, June 24, 2007


Search Engine for Online Services and Tools

SimpleSpark is a search engine for online services and tools. It includes "software as a service" Websites like Yahoo Calendar, CafePress (imprinted merchandise), Remember the Milk (task manager) --- you name it! It is tremendously easy to use.

Try it! Type in "spreadsheet" and you'll get the normal choices of Google Docs and Spreadsheets, Zoho Office and ThinkFree, but you also get another eleven other choices! That's a lot of spreadsheet choice.

I'm pretty impressed. I think the downside I noticed is that it seems to be based on the developers adding their own Web services to the list. So if a site hasn't heard about SimpleSpark, they won't be there automatically. For instance, probably the best online personal training Website HyperStrike, isn't on the list for Health. Plus, the tagging structure is a bit messed up. When I search for "social networking" I cannot find the holistic networking site Zaadz, but when I type "social networks" it is there. That's confusing!

Let me know what you think of it. It's so nice to have so many choices in one place. If anything, SimpleSpark seems to cater to the smallest of the dotcoms here, which is nice. It's pretty easy to find the big guys, but in most searches I've done here, I don't recognize 90% of the choices, which means it's always a learning experience. Now I don't have to wade through thousands of TechCrunch postings to find that cool new service that I heard about once from somebody.

Oh, did I mention? Everything has RSS feeds. I mean everything. Every search list, a "newest" list on every category. Damn, I love that.

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